What to Expect…

Madelia Optometric has worked very hard to ensure the safety of our patients and staff during the global pandemic! You can rest assured that it is safe to visit our office. We are carefully following all guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Board of Optometry. In fact, Dr. Davis co-authored the state guidelines on COVID preparedness for optometry – you can say she literally wrote the book!

You will definitely see some changes at our office, but we are still doing our best to maintain what our patients expect from us – Small Town Values, World Class Care.

First, ALL VISITS (including adjustments, payments, and deliveries) are by appointment only. We need to maintain social distancing, and our office is small! Please call 507-642-3853 or text 507-412-5682 and we will help you as soon as possible.

If you are scheduled for an exam, please be on time and please come inside! We do ask that any friends, relatives, drivers, or even strangers who accompany you wait in their vehicle. One parent may accompany a minor child, and if a patient requires a caregiver, one may assist. Otherwise, please come alone. If you are early for your appointment, please call or text us and we will let you know if we can see you early.

When you come in the front doors, you will turn to the left, down the stairs and into our office. Please note that face masks are REQUIRED in the facility at all times for everyone over age two.

In our office, you will  notice that we have removed several waiting room chairs and installed plexiglass at the front desk. Each patient will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon entering the office. You will briefly be checked in at the front desk and asked several COVID-19 screening questions, and we will take your temperature. You will notice that we have eliminated paper forms and signatures – this is to limit physical contact. Jackie, Katharine, or Dr. Davis will meet you and immediately start your exam in the automated testing room.

Throughout the office, you will notice green signs stating “sanitized for your protection.” This is our method of keeping track of what has been disinfected between each patient. If we see a red “please clean,” we know to hit it with the bleach! Every team member is trained on proper disinfecting protocol for every surface and each piece of equipment in the office. Every surface in the office is disinfected at the beginning of the day, after any patient or staff interaction, in the middle of the day, and at the end of the day.

In the exam room, you will notice that Jackie and Katharine are performing less of the examination than you are used to. This is to limit their exposure to patients in close quarters. Rest assured you will still have the comprehensive examination you have come to expect – just in a little different order.

The other major difference you will notice is regarding selection of eyeglass frames. Unfortunately, we can’t let you browse frames in the optical. We need to disinfect every frame after it has been touched or even breathed on! However, Jackie will work closely with you to find your perfect frame! She will bring frames into the exam room for you to look at and try on. If you are struggling to find “the perfect frame,” we can schedule a time for you to come back just to select a frame. We can even loan you three frames at a time for up to a week so you can try them on at home and get other opinions.

We offer payment options which can be completed right from your phone in the exam room (Apple Pay, Google Pay), as well as contactless and magnetic strip credit cards. Of course, we are happy to accept checks (and you can keep the pen!) and cash as well.

So yes… things may be different. But know that we are working hard to give you the service and quality that you have come to expect. We thank you so much for trusting us with your eye care.

Contact Us

  • (507) 642-3853 (phone)
  • (507) 412-5682 (text)
  • (507) 642-3854 (fax)
  • 115 Drew Avenue SE, Suite 201 Madelia, MN 56062
  • info@madeliaeyes.com


Sunday  Closed
Monday  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday  10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Wednesday  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday  10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday  9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Saturday  Closed